Group Workshops

Group workshops are an immersive experience where my healing power is multiplied because what I can perform on one serves All: the ripple effect.

My mission of reconnecting Humans/Earth is amplified in a group setting, especially when I work in Nature because I can connect with all elements and bring people together.   

During retreats, I offer guided meditations, dance, yoga practice, breath work, journaling, emotional body work, and various activities to reconnect with nature. I do a lot of drumming with some singing where I encourage clients to shout, kick, cry, to let go of sadness, frustration, and anger. The idea is to alleviate your heart of all the suffering before I heal and soothe your heart.

In workshops, we can access deeper wisdom and create humanhood bonding. You realize you are not alone. In the end, you will leave feeling like you finally belong, you have found your tribe and clarified your mission on Earth.




Online Group Workshop: 

Heart Rebirth Transition: Reconciliation du coeur et Transition

Where - When - What :

Online: 4 months 

1 Prvate session + 1 Group sessions per month: $2888

To assist you during your professional/personal Transition

Shamanic healing journeys

Opening the heart chackra

Clearing your Aura
Gaining in clarity

Aligning with your mission

Recognizing signs
Leap of Faith

For men and women who have had multiple heartbreaks, heart attacks, burnouts, went through a painful divorce, separation, miscarriage, abortion, loss of a loved one, who feel lonely and abandoned, went through physical or emotional abuse.

Heal the past, release a sense of guilt, work through grief, change the storyline, build new habits, open the heart to joy, recover peace, trust the process.

Channeling High-Frequency ancestor's wisdom to retrieve important messages, Shamanic Journeys to reconnect with Mother Earth and release trauma, breath work, live guided meditation, oracle cards, journaling, and yoga exercises to open the heart & balance the chakras.

Deep heart soul healing helps you recover a sense of ONENESS and INNER POWER so you learn to set clear boundaries. Wherever you are, you will never ever feel alone, and Trust that UNIVERSAL LOVE has your back.


Brazil Retreat Workshop:

Ilumina seu Coracao: Illumine ton Coeur

Where - When - What:

You're invited to a profound transformation in Bahia, Brazil, near the beach and the river.

July 2024: 1 week Full Moon 20-26 July 

An intimate group of 8 participants.

Details :

This retreat is for you if:

You have experienced heartbreak, grief, or loss in your life.

You are searching for your mission, or you know it but encounter obstacles.

You have some difficult physical, emotional symptoms & wish to find alternative to heal in the long run.

You are an Earth lover and wish to go deeper into Biodiversity and High Consciousness.

What's included: $2222

  • 6 nights - 7 days

  • Transfer to and from Imbassai. Airport: Salvador Da Bahia

  • 6 nights' accommodation at a Pousada and/or private villa 
  • 2 meals per day with fresh local produce.

  • A space to relax, meditate, and dream freely.

  • 2 cacao ceremonies, 2 fire ceremonies on the beach.
  • 1 Private session with Brisa Alegre on site.
  • Daily healing circles to release trauma, sorrow, and stress.

  • Walks in Nature by the beach and the river.

  • 4 weeks of Follow-up with Violeta after the retreat.

Not included:

Airfare to Salvador da Bahia, 2 nights hotel in Salvador da Bahia if you wish to discover the town afterwards.

2 Preview sessions with Violeta.





28-29 SEPTEMBRE 2024

Pour 8 à 12 femmes courageuses qui sont déjà sur le chemin de l'éveil et qui désirent "monter en puissance" lors d'une initiation chamanique.

Recouvrir dignité, légitimité et JOIE intérieure en se débarassant d'empreintes relationnelles non-intègres et en honorant leur masculin-féminin sacré. 

Atelier Rituel Vaporisation Yoni (tradition Native) + Cérémonie chamanique du feu

Samedi 28 - Dimanche 29 septembre

Près de Vichy

Inscriptions ouvertes!

Tarif de lancement: $588  

($688 après le 15/8)


Logement en tentes safari doubles  Safaritenten | Domaine Les Voisins

Repas (environ 13 E chaque déjeuner et partage en groupe pour diners)



Ateliers France octobre 2024

Un Coeur, Une Terre, Un Amour 

Activer ton auto-guérison

Propulser ta vie au niveau supérieur

Transmutation douleurs karmiques et transgénérationnelles 

Réconciliation du coeur 


En duo avec Fabien Lefevre 

Fabien | Energy Coach and Healer (


Tarifs de lancement

valables jusqu'au 12 septembre 2024


REGION DE LYON: 12-13 Octobre 2024

Atelier seul:

Samedi: 10h-18h: $333 (Après le 12/9: $444)

Dimanche: 10h-18h: $333 (Après le 12/9: $444)

Special week-end: $444 (Apres le 12/9: $777)

Contacter Violeta pour le lien de paiement.

Pour l'hébergement sur place:

Contacter Mylène au Domaine de La Noiseraie


REGION DE BORDEAUX: 19-20 octobre 2024

Atelier seul:

Samedi: 10h-18h: $333 (Après le 12/9: $444)

Dimanche: 10h-18h: $333 (Après le 12/9: $444)

Special week-end: $444 (Apres le 12/9: $777)

Contacter Violeta pour le lien de paiement

Contacter Sandrine pour l'hébergement sur place



Exercices de respiration et méditation le matin avec Fabien - 1h de pause suivie d'une ceremonie chamanique l'après-midi avec Violeta.

Samedi: soulagement des traumatismes

Dimanche: activation du corps-lumière, glande pinéale, activation Kundalini

Temps pour les questions-réponses à la fin de chaque journée.


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See One On One Sessions